The more you like yourself the less you are like anyone else. -Walt Disney
There is a glory within you that the world is waiting to see. Uniqueness is a characteristic of God and evidence of His hand on your life. You may have heard this before, but I urge you to meditate on it now— there is only one you. When you put together all your likes, dislikes, experiences, dreams, desires, and traits, nobody can compare to be exactly like you. You are unique, you are a rarity, and there is something special inside you that only you can do to change the world.
This might be hard to believe, especially if you don’t know what that something is. Maybe you sing, dance, write, speak, create, play or problem solve really well. Yes, there are many people who do those same things, but there’s something special about the way you do it, that will attract specific people to celebrate, support, and relate to you from a place of awe. Think of it in reverse—there certain things that you love and others don’t care for. It’s not to be rude or mean, but it is the reality that not everything is for everybody, because we are all unique (1: Corinthians 10:23).
As of late, the world often promotes conformity and homogeneity. A tragedy in my opinion, because it washes away the vibrant and explosive possibilities of our imagination. Now a days it takes tremendous courage to be set apart. Darling, I know you want to be included, I know you may not want to ruffle feathers, I know you may think you don’t have what it takes, but all those ideas are unchallenged wounds that require a different perspective.
Jeremiah 1:4, says, Before you were born, God set you a part. God made sure there was something about you that nobody else can do. That’s how vital you are to humanity. There are certain doors that only you can unlock, and God wants to give it to you. But before He can trust you with great power, you need to understand just how irreplaceable you are. Why does this matter?
God is a God of Truth. If you ever feel like things don’t go your way or your talks to God go unanswered, I challenge you to consider if you are being your authentic self? God loves you too much, to talk to the “fake” version of you. It would be affirming a fake or wounded persona that doesn’t serve you any good. When He says, come as you are He means it. Whether you are sad, confused, angry, in love, skeptical, or desperate, whatever is the position of your heart, bring that before the Lord. If you want to unlock your potential you can not do it from a place of fakeness. God can handle whatever you bring. Remember, He loves you too much to entertain anything less than who you are.
I pray you can take a moment to admit and accept wherever you are in life. Whether you’re in a mess or at the mountain top, I pray that you embrace all you. May God restore your ability to think critically and distinctly. I pray you see uniqueness as a superpower that can heal the hearts of those around you. May you shine so bright that all darkness is eliminated, and may your audacity be cloaked in His holiness for the good of all.